Wednesday, February 04, 2015

A cup of morning coffee = potion for the day letter 9 for Advay

Dear Advay,
Few days back I had missed my morning cup of coffee as we had missed the alarm so we were late for school with not much time I had to leave home without coffee & when you asked me ,"Mummy what happened if you didn't drink coffee " I didn't had any words to explain that time but now this letter is for the question which you asked me that day by your words you meant its okay if you didn't drink coffee that's not a very big thing but for me it is ..

I put alarm for 5am every morning so that I can get up early to brew the coffee soak in the silence & start the day doing this awakens me in a positive way & I feel good & energetic. So while you & your father are speaking I am ready to face the day & world .Its not just on weekdays I love to do this on weekends too .For me this is happiness ,me time ,my potion for the day  and maybe for you its just a cup of coffee. So this is the answer of the question which you asked that day .One thing more maybe you can relate to the happiness which you get when you get up & start looking for books to read its the same kind of happiness or magic potion for mummy to be charged for the day & ya I write poems too sometime early morning that's another story which I will share with you another day ,..

With lots of coffee love

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