till christmas weather was fine,but since past few days theres dip in temperature,intense fog,hardly any sunlight and ya theres cold breeze too..ya frens its real winters now in Dehi with long cold nights
presenting some winter warmers for this season,..
Adrak wali Chai is my hot favourite ,to beat away winter blues i can drink 8 to 10 cups daily,recipe of tea i have already blogged here and ya one thing more i am facing winters after 8 yrs so u guys can imagine,..:-(
Cream of broccoli soup recipe is adapted from here , the only difference is that i didnt add riccota cheese and chicken broth and ya before serving i garnished with stir fried mushroom,...
After the winter treat I present before you all some treats in colour white for the FIC White event hosted by kitchen flavour this month and started by Sunshinemom,..
The first one is talmakhana kheer ,which is sweet pudding made of lotus seeds and milk,..do taste this once ,..this for sure tastes divine,
The second one is white butter for which I was craving from a long long time,..specially when I was in Singapore,…I have asked Lakshmi so many times how to prepare ,..but every time there was some disaster so this time when there was enough cream in fridge I tried again and lo,..creamy white butter was ready,..this was tutorial for me too,…heres the detailed recipe ,keep the vessel with cream in hot water for some time,..once the cream softens add one tsp of curd and keep aside for a day,after a day the cream will look like set curd,with help of blender churn the set curd and thats all,..Fresh Cream is ready,remove the liquid and and collect white butter in different vessel.
..i enjoyed white butter with aloo parantha and ,...u guys can guess,...how i must have felt,..cant pen down,..it was awesome,..
The third one to go is cottage cheese dosai with sambhar and chutney,…
for the filling things needed are-crushed cottage cheese one cup,finelly chopped onion one,green chilli chopped one,salt half tsp,crushed black pepper a pinch and chat masala half tsp,mix everything together and keep aside for the dosai batter I followed the recipe from Sowmyas blog here,sambhar recipe was taken from lakshmis blog and chutney fromhere..
The fourth one is Dahi Wada with dry fruits filling ,recipe of Dahi Wada is already blogged here ,this time i tried dahi wada with dryfruits filling,procedure is same as blogged already i used cellophane paper to shape the wadas,after flattening the wada,make depression and place half tsp of chopped dryfruits ,cover with the mix and make depression in the centre as shown in pic 4 now slowly slide the wada in already hot oil,lower the flame,..i have shallow fried the wada,..once done and brown from both sides remove from flame and soak in water for some time ,..squeeze out the excess water and keep aside,..before serving place the wadas in curd,garnish with red chilli powder,cumin powder,and salt.
when i saw Srivallis Best of Year 2008 Event
i was really elated because this is such a perfect way to share our previous posts with fellow bloggers and also to catch up with interesting posts which we missed reading ,i am sure everyone must be feeling the same way ;-) coming back to the post i started with food blogging since MARCH 2008 not sure whether my posts will be read or not,..whether i will be followed or not just like fellow bloggers Asha,Sia,Nupur and ya my dear friend Lakshmi who was my sole inspiration,...still i plunged into blogging as i was suffering frm depression of not getting job i had ample free time that time,,,specially because of Advays long afternon nap,,... ,....Lakshmis swc event caught my attention ,..initially i thought i will just mail her recipes but when i saw her blog and from her blog other food bloggers blog i was really inspired to start with my own blog,,..the day itself i clicked pic of Chicken biryani which i had prepared but the pic was too hazy to be published so i omitted the pic and published the post without the pic,...first comment was from my sis which added to my zeal,..and thus the journey started ,..with frequent tips from Lakshmi Asankhana was shaped,..i still remember how much i used to drill her with questions,..how to do this and that,..but she is patience queen,...never tired of my questions always ready to help,..now back here in Delhi i really miss her but i know though she is in Singapore she is just one call away,...thats the magic of isd facility,..;-) my second post was of Jaldi Aloo and this was the first comment which i got from fellow blogger ie Lakshmi and thus we started interacting,..and now though we are far are friendship is tsill on,..:-) this is the magic of blogging which keeps us connected though we r far,..."

Hi, Got to know you thro IWIS. You have a nice blog here. Do upload pics of your asankhana, it gives your readers a kind of 'good' feeling. Do visit our IWIS cooking station blog at http://testtasteofmysore.blogspot.com and if possible send some kashmiri khana. You can blog it in your blog and send the details to me. I will blog it again in IWIS blog and link it back to your blog. Have a good day.,...." by Lakshmi ,..
this was my short and sweet story about what inspired me to start blogging,...i am sure everyone must be having one ,after all there is reason behind everything,one driving force which pushes us towards our goal or aim,...i just shared mine,,..wht about ur,..?
coming to my favourite posts or meal from Asan khana hmm there are so many,,...let me think,...:-)
here i am with
Bengali Meal of green mango curry ,tomato and green mango chutney,alloo posto and misti pulao
Mangalorean Meal of Chicken Sukka and Gashi
Mysore oota for Srivallis Best of year 2008 event i know there are many more,...;-)
Adrak wali chai along with Cream of Broccoli soup,cream of tomato and mushroom soup and cream of onion capsicum and carrot are on their way for Truptis
Talmakhana kheer along with white butter,Dahi wada and cottage cheese dosai make their way to FIC WHITE event hosted by Kitchen Flavour and started by Sunshinemom,
Talmakhana kheer also goes to Purvas Christmas feast event,...
thats all frens,..its 1st day of yr enjoy,..have a blast,..wish u and ur family members,,...Happy new yr again,..:-)tata ceeu soon,...
Talmakhana kheer also goes to Purvas Christmas feast event,...
thats all frens,..its 1st day of yr enjoy,..have a blast,..wish u and ur family members,,...Happy new yr again,..:-)tata ceeu soon,...