When i first read about Cooking for kids with love event i knew what i was going to share ,in the last year event JHIVA FOR LOVE I had dedicate the post to my dadi whom i really miss a lot at times,..coming back to this post i will share recipe of aate ka ladoo
which is loved by Advay lotz,.whenever my mother comes to visit us she gets box full of them,..easy to prepare recipe was passed to her by her mom ie our nani and now she being nani of Advay she prepares for him along with nimki which is another of his hot favourite

ingredients needed for Aate ke laddoo-
wheat flour 500gmsieved and fried in two tbsp of ghee,sugar 200gm grounded quantity may be increased or decreased as per requirement,dry fruits 100gm almond,raisins chopped and shallow fried in ghee,freshly grounded green cardamom two
procedure- mix the above mentioned ingredients together ,if needed add one tbsp of ghee to the mixture and make small table tennis shaped balls.
Aate ka ladoo is ready :-)

Its been more than a year since i have met Nani ,she cant travel much as she has got arthritis,so i guess i will go soon to meet her in my hometown,she is 80 plus but still she manages everything on her own,last year when we were in Delhi she had come down to visit us,she saw Advay for the first time and as Advay is her first great garnd child she dotes on him a lot,below pic is of Nani and Advay taken one year back

So Nani this post is dedicated to you,will meet u soon when weather is fine and i can manage Advay in train,...:-)tk care of your health
This small and sweet post is my entry for EVENT Cooking for kids with LOVE being hosted this month by Jigyasa and Prathibha of Pedathas whose food we eat and started by Sharmi of Neivedyam .
Thats all frens ,.ceeu all soon,..:-) happy bloggin,...and weekend...