Shortbread is a type of biscuit traditionally made from one part white sugar,two part butter and three part oatmeal.Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture.The cause of texture is its high fat content provided by the butter.source taken form here.
I prepared Shortbread for the first time with rice flour and plain flour.
While seraching for info on shortbread i came across this blog Cake batter and crumbs where Tracy shares recipe of Vanilla Bean Shortbread with Berries and cream, hop in at her space,its droolworthy:-)
Coming back to my recipe

source of recipe my baking book.
ingredient needed
150gm unsalted butter at room temperature
115gm caster sugar
150gm plain flour
65gm rice flour
1.5ml baking powder
1.5ml salt
step 1
preheat the oven to 16o degree C.
lightly grease a shallow round cake tin and keep aside
step 2
cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy,
sift over the flour,salt and baking powder.
step 3
press the mixture into the prepared tin,
smoothing the surface with the back of the spoon
prick all over with a fork
and score into eight equal wedges.
step 4
bake until golden for 40 minutes
leave in the tin till cool enough to handle
unmould and recut the wedges while still hot
store in air tight container.

I enjoyed the cookies warm with butter and cheery preserve.
thats all frens,..ceeu guys soon,..;-)