Monday, February 02, 2015

Loved Januaryhow was it for you ?

Hello Friends,
How was January for you ?
For me it was fabulous finally after such a long time was able to blog continuously without any break didn't read much because I wrote a lot in my blog and on twitter .Wrote some poems too on this blog which can be read here
Started a new series on the blog letter for Advay my son which I am really loving writing  & maybe because now he can read its fun to see his expression when he is reading the letters.
.Have started following some daily prompts for short poems & verses on  twitter which I am loving doing Will be sharing the poems in the other blog soon .Started studying French again and the painting class is on so ya this month has been very productive for me &; a happy one too.
For the January post on AsanKhana check here
what about you guys ? How was the month for you ? were you able to follow your resolution ?
Do share with me in the comment section
sharing a precious moment of Ganesha Chaturthi 2014 pic taken at my Singapore home .
& ya that painting of Ganesha is done by me .
Awaiting your replies