Saturday, March 28, 2015

Finally the lego pic for Advay - open letter for Advay 13

Dear Advay ,
Few weeks back I was showing your father the pictures on Instagarm and telling him about the likes ,you were sitting there listening to our conversation suddenly you started crying on asking you told me that I have just put picture of croissant and coffee which  I got from outside taken a pic and posted on Instagram and got so many likes but when you made helicopter with Lego blocks at Mausis house  in India no one praised you .That day I had cooked Chicken biryani for dinner and you were so distraught that you were not letting me take place picture of it.That was lesson for me to not show off myb poem and pictures in front of you an that day I promised you that you will make something with Lego I will take picture of it and post it a.Today morning you asked me again that I had not taken pic of Lego toys ,today being Ram Navami I asked you to make lord Ram with Lego and you made so as promised sharing the pic with the letter.

Sorry Advay we all praised  you that day but you compared it with the likes on Instagram post .
Happy ramnavami
Poem is written by me and the Lego toy made by Advay.