this recipe i am sending for fortune cooking event,i have chosen gemini sign,..which is zodiac sign of my hubby,.i have chosen chicken under the nonveg section,..before writing about the recipe of chicken biryani

some traits about gemini
Being a dual signBeing a dual sign has (of course) both an up and a down-side. You are vitally interested in what's new and fashionable, though you have a healthy skepticism which allows you to see both sides of the image. You are a party animal, but like to sit back and analyse, or send up the whole procedure.
You multiply the effects of other people's energy, but can become deflated if you are out of the limelight for any length of time. Your sharp wit and excellent powers of observation make you a good raconteur, although you have a tendency to exaggerate which can cause trouble with your relationships.
You really have little faith in yourself, which you mask with ironic wit or sarcasm, but in truth you can use your flexible mind to better yourself in a surprising number of ways. You spend more time talking than eating.
A mutable (changeable) sign, you are chameleon-like in your ability to blend in with your environment, yet you stand out like a beacon when you become the life of the party, with your witty remarks and seemingly limitless knowledge about all and sundry.
You love zooming around, running right left and centre. As a source of information you are unparalleled and you love to keep in touch with your friends, neighbours and indeed anyone who is on your wavelength.
being married since two yrs,,..i never knew anyone with gemini sign,..so it was bit difficult for me to understand my hubby,..being dual sign,..u cant predict...when there mood will change..but they are back to normal soon,..but now i after staying with himsince two yrs i can understand him,.,..he is quiet understanding,mature,.ya looses his cool at times,..but that even i do,...back in my family most of them are leos,..my friends were cancerians,pisces,and aries,..so person with gemini sign was totally something new for me,..
chicken 300 gm
onion three chopped
green chilli chopped three
ginger garlic paste one tsp
curd one cup
soaked rice two cup
saffron soaked in milk for 10 minutes one tablespoon
salt to taste
lemon juice
chopped almond and raisins
biryani masala one tsp
oil to cook
heat oil in wok
add chopped onions and fry till brown ,now add chopped green chillies,ginger garlic paste

keep frying

now add curd,..followed by chicken,keep frying till chicken changes colour to brown,add salt
now add ,..chopped almonds,raisin and lemon juice,..and cover and cook

remove from heat and mix the biryani masala

before serving spoon rice over chicken mixture,sprinkle saffron and milk,,,

we had with onion raita it was delicious
biryani masala
cinnamon stiick broken into pieces
green cardamom three
brown cardamom three
whole cloves 5
mace half teaspoon
black pepper hal teaspoon
fennel seeds half teaspoon
bay leaves two crushed
grated nutmeg

in a pan on low flame dry raost each ingredient separately
each ingredient will take 4 minutes
keep in air tight container
before using grind to powder

now for the strip for create comic event
for the strip click here
dan asks dave about his fiance in office loo
dan -congrats dave,heard u got engaged,.wht does your fiance do,.just hope she is woking lady??
dave-thank dan,.ya she is is working since two yrs,..and will continue after marraige..but why u asked whether she works or not?
dan-huh,.u dont know these days women who stay at home keep experimenting with recipes,..i feel my kitchen has turned into some lab,.but good for u cause ur fiance works,..
dave-ohh that ways,..ya that is there,..infact when she will be back from work she will be tired to do any experiments,..so i guess,.our kitchen will stay like kitchen,..
after fewdays,..
dave-dan u were right,..yesterday she prepared some brinjal..with curd,..which was hopeless,..and whni asked her she told she saw in some blog nd wanted to give a try,..now i understand wht u meant ,..
dan-dave this is just starting..wait and watch what all happen next,..just like me,..u will becomeused to,..