Today i gonna share recipe of FOCACCIA which is flat oven baked Italian Bread which may be topped with herbs or other ingredients.I tried baking Saffron Focaccia from my baking book,taste was similar to pizza but lot more crusty and flavourful.Bakers often dott the bread to create multiple wells in the bread by using a finger or the handle of utensil to poke the unbaked dough.As a way to preserve moisture in the bread olive oil is spread ove rthe dough by hand or with pastry brush prior to brushing or baking.Info taken from here .

Recipe Name Saffron Focaccia
Recipe Source Baking Book
Recipe Style Baking
Bating time 25 mins
Baking temperature 200 degree centigrade
Ingredient Needed
pinch of saffron
150ml boiling water
225gm all purpose flour
2.5ml salt
5ml dried yeast
1.5ml olive oil
For the topping
garlic cloves sliced 4
onion sliced one
rosemary sprigs
15ml olive oil
Place saffron strands in a heatproof jug and pour in boiling water
Leave to infuse until lukewarm

In a mixing bowl mix flour,salt,yeast and olive oil ,gardually add saffron and its liquid.
Knead till the dough forms a ball.
Turn on a floured surface and knead for 10-15mins.
Place in a bowl and cover with clear film and leave to rise until it doubles in size about 30 to 40 mins.
Knock back the dough and roll into an oval shape about 1cm in thick .
Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and leave to rise for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 200 degree centigrade,press indentations on the surface of the bread.
Cover the dough with sliced garlic,onion wedges and rosemary sprigs.
Brush lightly with olive oil and bake for 25 minutes ,or uniti the loaf sounds hollow when tapped on the base.
Cool on a wire rack.

Saffron Foccacia is my fourth entry for Recipe Marathon hosted by Nupur of OnehotStove.
For list of runners click here
For day 1 recipe of runners click here
For day 2 recipe of runners click here
For day 3 recipe of runnersclick here.
Thats all frens cee u all tomorrow,...:-)