After successful celebration of Krishna and Ganesh Chaturthi I am back with yet another Festival ~ Onam Celebration at ASANKHANA ,
The Festive theme for this month being Onam Festival Celebrations,for which i am really Thankful to both of them.
''Onam is harvest festival celebrated with great joy in Kerala to welcome King Mahabali whose spirit is said to visit Kerala. Onam,celebrated in the month of CHINGAM which is the first month of MALYALAM calendar.
Onam celebration last for 10 days,first day is known as Atham and last day is known as Thiruonam.Onam is also National Festival of Kerala since 1961.

Onam is celebrated by beautiful designs of Pookalam, which is colourful arrangment of flowers on floor,this ritual is followed in almost all the households of Kerala,during the 10 day long festival .During Onam Boat Races known as Vallamkali Boat Race also known as snake boat race are organised during 10 days Onam Festival.The curled ends of the boats are shaped like cobra hoods and it is from this shape that boat has derived its name. There are Elephant processions on the streets, which gives Royal touch to the festival.

So lets all come together and celebrate the true spirits of Onam
Ona Sadya is prepared on the last day of the festival which depicts the happiness of people towards King Mahabali whose spirit is said to visit during Onam. The grand feast of Payasam, Aviyal, Rice, Popadums, Kootukari......list of irresistible food goes on are served on Banana leaf. source from here
Guidelines to celebrate Onam
1. Prepare food which is usually prepared on these 10 days of ONAM FESTIVAL,like Errissery,Kalan,Olan,Aviyal,Thoran,Mulakoshyam,Sambhar,Rasam,Payasam,Beverages,Pickles,Papads,Chips and Fruits.
2. Mail me your entries at with the subject line Festive Food Onam Celebration.The last date for sending your entry is 22nd of September.
3. Kindly provide below mentioned details-
blog name
dish name
dish url
pic of size 300x250
blog name
dish name
dish url
pic of size 300x250
Non bloggers no need to get upset,email your recipe along with the picture,we will post it in your name and include in the round up.
4. Link your post with the Event Announcement and try to use the colourful Onam logo
5. Old post are accepted,provided they are republished by linking back to the event announcement along with the logo.
Check out Purva' s blog for Janmashtami and Ganesh Chaturthi delicacies and Priti's blog for Rakhshabandhan Celebrations.
So Frens Onam Celebration is on at ASANKHANA ,start pouring in your entries for Harvesting Festival Onam.