thanks swati for the " you make my day award"

,..i really don't know whether I
deserve this award or not but it really made my day when i was busy mopping and all,

really cheered me up,..and the green patch is still there as u can see in the pic ...thanks friends for visiting my blog and for the valuable comments about how to wash off the colour
pass this award to

lakshmi of tasteofmysore
arundhati of myfoodblog
prajusha of icookipost
and siri of siri corner
thanks for the "yummy blog" award.
really feel happy and on top of the world to get this award,..

As per the rules I have to "list four of my favorite desserts that I have prepared or eaten and pass the award to four of my fellow bloggers".
talmakhane ka kheer
i pass the yummy blog to singapore bloggers,..friends..i keep visiting ur blogs regularly,..and your blogs are really yummy...

priya of indianhut
rashmi of delhibelle
sweety of mykitchen
illatharasi of illatharasi
enjoy the award gurls,...
thanks lakshmi for the " rocker girl " award

lakshmi,..i still remember the day u first visited my blog through orkut,..two months back,,.i had just started blogging and was fully dazed when i saw other food bloggers blog,..i have reached this stage caUSE OFYOU,..THANKS FOR TEACHING ME ALL ABOUT BLOGGING ,.SO PATIENTLY...IN OTHER WORDS MY BLOG ROCKS CAUSE OF U,,:-)
pass this award to

swati of chatkhor
divya vikram of dilse
purnima of fantasycooking
cham of spiceclub
While i was not blogging...apart from mopping i was busy with these things,...which kept me cool..and entertained...and kept my mind busy which keeps on wandering to unwanted places
and ya i am aware of the SWC Gujarat event...of which i am guest host for this first entry for swc Gujarat is assondi,..the recipe for which goes like this

prepared assoondi for the first time,..and really liked it..the addition of sunflower seeds enhanced the taste.,,good to drink in hot summer days..when you are back from shopping...
missed a lot since past few days,..missed recipe marathon..siri will take part in the next recipe marathon,,,thanks again friends for the awards...