Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Child cry not ...

Child cry not
For They cant hear 
They are built of stone 
So They dont Have fear 
Child tremble not 
For They cant feel 
They are meant to 
Do their thing 
Child whimper not 
For They wont heed
For them you 
Are not Living 
Child shudder not 
For They cant be pleased
They are armed for you 
And So they  will Kill 
Child pray now
For a better World 
So that when born again 
U can breath 
Child you are gone now
And I Wait hère 
I Know the Wait Is endless 
For a better World 
For a World where you are not Killed
For a World where you dont nead  to plead 
And you go to School to Study and play 
Not to be Killed .