Many a time we need to prepare something real fast ,something which is healthy ,tasty and yummy too,i asked Neha today noon whether she will have pasta for lunch,she readily agreed,out came all the ingredients from fridge,whatever was there,i saw few bulbs of spring onions,green chili thick one,soya leaves and chicken drumsticks.
As always i didnt had any recipe in my mind i chopped the veggies,kept the falafal for boiling,and on the other burner chicken drumsticks for boiling,if i had four burner stove i would have started frying the veggies too, goes the recipe for FARFALLE WITH FLAVOURED CHICKEN
ingredient needed for Farfalle with chicken flavoured with basil and fresh dill leaves

boil one cup of farfalle and drain and keep aside
boil chicken drumsticks,shred and keep aside.
Ingredient needed
Chicken drumsticks two boiled and shredded
boiled and drained farfalle one cup
onion one chopped
thick green chili one chopped
soya/dill leaves shredded handful
spring onion bulb chopped
salt as per taste
pepper as per taste
dried basil leaves a pinc
olive oil half tsp
tomato sauce one tsp
heat oil in non stick wok
add all the chopped veggies and stir fry for a minute or two
add shredded chicken followed by the dill leaves
keep frying on low flame till its done
add salt,pepper,dill leaves and basil
stir well,lower the flame and mix the drained farfalle
fry for a minute,remove from the flame and serve hot.

I prepared this in less than 30 minutes and liked the taste of chicken flavoured with basil and soya,..though this sounds weird i know,..anyways cee u all soon,..theres lot of plagiarism going around i hope u guys are aware,..;-(one of my pic is stolen too,..thanks to Sailaja who told me,..;-( i don know why people waste their energy stealing other people stuff and proudly dispalying it under their name i mean how can they be happy doing such mean things,..god only knows when such things end,..i hope to hear some good news soon,..till thn u guys take care,..:-)