today when i reached home i was really hungry,..chicken curry looked good,..couldn't resist myself,..rice had to be cooked,,,.prepared plain rice...tasted great with rice,.this curry reminds me of the thick chicken curry we get in dhaba..

recipe is very simple
heat oil
add cumin seeds
add chopped onion,ginger,garlic and green chilli
once onion starts changing colour add tomato puree,,followed by salt nd chicken masala
once you see oil along the sides add chicken,.keep frying till brown from both sides
now add water and cover nd cook for few minutes
enjoy with rice or chapati..

and now sommething sweet for the swc gujarat event
yesterday prepared jalebi for the first time,..recipe goes here...jalebi is my favourite sweet..back here i used to crave a lot,.but now after tryin out the recipe..can prepare anytime,..\\

prepare strawberry shrikhand,,after dinner yeterday..had already seived the curd and kept in fridge so it didnt take much time..mixed finely chopped starwberry...and kept in fridge for some time before serving

to read the strip click here
hilda to tilda (her daughter) tilda,..hope u have packed ur bag,.we are going back home,,ur dad must be missing us,..and we are gng to give him surprise oky,..i knw he must hve missed my cooking,..
tilda hmm so soon,,i wann stay here,,its so nice here with mountains and all,,and my vacationis still not over....
hilda hmm oky,..btw ur grandma has gone to church today for the weekly what u wann to hve for thinking to make baked brinjal in ginger sauce,..
tilda thinks omg hve to think of something fast or grandma will again fall sick,,..umm ut what..nd wht she wants toprepare,..must have picked from the cook ook she was reading last night,..
tilda mama,,u remember the pizza shop,..the one where u used to go when u were kid,...granny told me before leaving to wait for her there,..she wanted to give you surprise treat,..thats why she didnt tell u
hilda ohh really so nice of her..ya even i can revive old memories,..thats a good idea,..lets hurry or we will be late...