i am sending this recipe for think spice think clove
before telling you all about the recipe i would like to share my memories of cloves
i remember when i was kid i used to cough a lot...and my mother used to give me clove to chew as home remedy,..to cure the cough believe me my cough was really bad,..
yrs passed and few yrs later i was in college ,..my cough was still there,..and whenever i used to leave for my hostel after my vacations my mother used to give me small bottel of powder of dry roasted cloves...it seem it really helps to cure the cough and i always had dry cough...and far away whenever i used to see that bottel of clove powder i used to remember my mother,,,and her loving and caring nature..and used to miss her lotz,,..because of certain circumstances couldnt spend much time with her during my childhood days....but now things are diffrent ,,,we are more close now and share everything from recipes to,,,our woes,,...thnks to skype ;-)
well if i dont stop now,...i will just goon and on....so here the comes the recipe ,..which i tried onmy own keeping clove in mind
ingredients are
boneless chicken 200gm
grated maize one cup
freshly ground cloves 8
salt to taste
sugar to taste
butter to garnish

boil two cup of water in wok
add grated maize and let it boil further 2 minutes

add the chicken followed by salt and sugar,keep stirring
now add grounded cloves and boil further

garnish with butter before serving