Thanks a ton Nupur for hosting Recipe Marathon ,i met so many new bloggers,saw so many new recipes,some rare ones,some traditional,and ya this is the first recipe marathon which i participated so it was real fun,...this post gonna be my last post for this yr will meet u frens soon in yr 2010 with something fresh and new ,,,,Wishing all the readers of Asan Khana Happy New Year 2010.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Recipe Marathon Day 7 Eggless Banana Muffin
My Last recipe for the recipe marathon hosted byNupur of One Hot Stove is Eggless Banana Muffin
which i tried form Madhurams Space ,i followed her recipe without any change,instead of pecans i added chopped almonds,i dont luv bananas but liked these muffins a lotz,easy to prepare and yum to eat it was delight watching them puff,..

Thanks a ton Nupur for hosting Recipe Marathon ,i met so many new bloggers,saw so many new recipes,some rare ones,some traditional,and ya this is the first recipe marathon which i participated so it was real fun,...this post gonna be my last post for this yr will meet u frens soon in yr 2010 with something fresh and new ,,,,Wishing all the readers of Asan Khana Happy New Year 2010.
Thanks a ton Nupur for hosting Recipe Marathon ,i met so many new bloggers,saw so many new recipes,some rare ones,some traditional,and ya this is the first recipe marathon which i participated so it was real fun,...this post gonna be my last post for this yr will meet u frens soon in yr 2010 with something fresh and new ,,,,Wishing all the readers of Asan Khana Happy New Year 2010.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Recipe Marathon Day 6 Syrian Onion Bread
Menu for todays dinner is Mutton Curry which Neha is going to prepare and to accompany it i gonna prepare Syrian Onion Bread,so guys today my kitchen gonna smell of fresh mint and coriander leaves while baking the breads, :-)i have kneaded the dough and kept it to rise in warm place so while dough is rising i thought of writing this post:;-)

Recipe Name Syrian Onion Bread
Recipe Style Baking
Recipe Source baking book
Baking temperature 200 degree centigrade
Baking time 20 mins
Ingredient Needed
4 cup all purpose or wholewheat flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4ounce fresh yeast
scant one and a half cup lukewarm water
For the topping
4 tablespoon chopped onions
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoon ground coriander
2 teaspoon chopped fresh mint

Cream the yeast with a little of water,then mix in the remainder.
Sift the flour and and salt together into a large bowl and make a well in the centre.
Add the yeast mixture to the center of the flour and mix to a firm dough.
Turn out on to a lightly floured surface and knead for 8 to 10 minutes
until smooth and elastic.
Place in a lightly oiled bowl ,cover with lightly oiled plastic wrapand leave to rise in warm place for about 1 hr till it doubles in size.
Punch down the dough and turn out on a lightly floured surface.
Divide into 8 equal pieces and roll into 5-6 inch rounds.
Make them slightly concave.
Prick all over and space well apart on the baking sheets.
Cover with lightly oiled plastic wrap and let rise for 15-20 mins.
Meanwhile preheat the oven to 400 degree Fahrenheit.

Mix the chopped onion ,ground cumin,ground coriander and chopped mint in a bowl.
Brush the breads with the olive oil for the topping,
Sprinkle them evenly with the spicy onion mixture and bake for 15 to 20 mins.
Serve the onion bread warm.

Syrian Onion Bread is my sixth entry for Recipe Marathon hosted by Nupur of One Hot Stove.
For list of runners click here
For day 1 recipe of runners click here
For day 2 recipe of runners click here
For day 3 recipe of runners click here
For day 4 recipes of runners click here
For day 5 recipes of runners click here
Thats all guys i am going to enjoy the warm breads with hot mutton curry,cee u all tomorrow,have a hap[py week ahead,..:-)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Recipe Marathon Day 5 Rosemary Bread
I luv the smell of fresh Rosemary Leaves specially while baking ,ya frens i tried baking Rosemary Bread from my baking book and todays recipe for Recipe Marathon Day 5 hosted by Nupur of One hot stove gonna be of Rosemary Bread
for list of runners click here
For day 1 recipes of runners click here
For day 2 recipes of runners click here
For day 3 recipes of runners click here
For day 4 recipes of runners click here
Recipe Source Baking Book
Recipe Style Baking
Baking Temp.190 degree centigrade
Baking Time 30 minutes
Ingredient needed

dried yeastt 1 sachet
175gm wholewheat flour
175gm all purpose flour
25gm butter
50ml warm water
250ml milk at roon temperature
15ml sugar
5ml salt
15ml sesame seeds
15ml fresh rosemary leaves
115gm cheddar cheese

In a mixing bowl mix yeast with wholewheat and all purpose flour
Melt the butter and stir in the warm water,milk,sugar,butter ,salt,sesame seeds,onion and rosemary into the flour.
Knead thoroughly till smooth,flatten the dough and add cheese cubes,and knead till smooth
Keep the dough in large clean bowl,cover with clear film and put in warm place till the dough doubles in size( approx one and a half hr )
Grease a loaf pan and keep aside
knock back the dough and shape it into a loaf
Place in the tin,cover with oiled clear film and leave for 1 hr till the dough doubles in size.
Preheat the oven to 190 degree centigrade
Bake for 30 minutes
Cover the loaf with foil for last 5 to 10 minutes of baking.
Yesterday evening saw 3 idiots movie frens,dont miss this movie folks,its awesome,watching the movie itself was an experience,..;-)thats all frens,..have a happy week ahead,..
Monday, December 28, 2009
Recipe Marathon Day 4 Saffron Foccacia
Today i gonna share recipe of FOCACCIA which is flat oven baked Italian Bread which may be topped with herbs or other ingredients.I tried baking Saffron Focaccia from my baking book,taste was similar to pizza but lot more crusty and flavourful.Bakers often dott the bread to create multiple wells in the bread by using a finger or the handle of utensil to poke the unbaked dough.As a way to preserve moisture in the bread olive oil is spread ove rthe dough by hand or with pastry brush prior to brushing or baking.Info taken from here .

Recipe Name Saffron Focaccia
Recipe Source Baking Book
Recipe Style Baking
Bating time 25 mins
Baking temperature 200 degree centigrade
Ingredient Needed
pinch of saffron
150ml boiling water
225gm all purpose flour
2.5ml salt
5ml dried yeast
1.5ml olive oil
For the topping
garlic cloves sliced 4
onion sliced one
rosemary sprigs
15ml olive oil
Place saffron strands in a heatproof jug and pour in boiling water
Leave to infuse until lukewarm

In a mixing bowl mix flour,salt,yeast and olive oil ,gardually add saffron and its liquid.
Knead till the dough forms a ball.
Turn on a floured surface and knead for 10-15mins.
Place in a bowl and cover with clear film and leave to rise until it doubles in size about 30 to 40 mins.
Knock back the dough and roll into an oval shape about 1cm in thick .
Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and leave to rise for 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 200 degree centigrade,press indentations on the surface of the bread.
Cover the dough with sliced garlic,onion wedges and rosemary sprigs.
Brush lightly with olive oil and bake for 25 minutes ,or uniti the loaf sounds hollow when tapped on the base.
Cool on a wire rack.

Saffron Foccacia is my fourth entry for Recipe Marathon hosted by Nupur of OnehotStove.
For list of runners click here
For day 1 recipe of runners click here
For day 2 recipe of runners click here
For day 3 recipe of runnersclick here.
Thats all frens cee u all tomorrow,...:-)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Recipe Marathon Day 3 Mexican Cinnamon Cookies
My mother is fond of cookies ,so i try to look for such recipes which dont have egg as she is vegeterian ,so while flipping through my cake nd cookies book when i saw the recipe of Mexican Cinnamon Cookies ,i thought of giving it a try,for two good reason,first the recipe looked quiet simple and the second the recipe being eggless,so in the middle of night i preheated the oven and started kneading the dough,..:-)
They are also known as Pastelitos ,these cookies are traditional sweet shortbreads,served at wedding in Mexico,these cookies are specially dusted with icing sugar to match the brides dress.

Recipe Name Mexican Cinnamon Cookies
Recipe Source Baking book
Recipe Style Baking
Preparation tim
Baking Temperature
Ingredient needed
115gm butter
115gm plain flour
25gm sugar
50gm cornflour
1.5ml ground cinnamon
30ml chopped nuts
25gm icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 160 degree centigrade
grease a baking sheet and keep aside
beat sugar and butter together till pale and creamy keep aside

Sift the plain flour ,corn flour and ground cinnamon into the butter and sugar mixture
gradually work with wooden spoon till the mixture comes together
knead the dough lightly till completely smooth.
Take tablespoonful of the mixture,roll into small balls and arrange on the baking sheet
press few chopped nuts on top of each and then flatten slightly.
Bake the cookies for 30-35 mins till pale golden.
Remove from oven and while they are still warm toss them in sifted icing sugar.
Leave the cookies to cool before serving.
These Warm Cookies are my third entry for Recipe Marathon Day 3 hosted by Nupur of One Hot Stove
For list of runners click here
For day 1 recipes of the runners click here
For day 2 recipes of the runners click here
Happy weekend frens will catch up with all tomorrow,..:-)tkcre,..
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Recipe Marathon Day 2 Cheese Bread
Coming back to todays post i gonna post another eggless baking recipe of Cheese Bread from my bread book,
Recipe Name Cheese Bread
Recipe Source Bread Book
Baking Recipe
Baking Temperature 200-190 degree centirade
Ingredient Needed
15ml active dried yeast
250ml warm milk
25gm butter
425 gm strong white bread flour
10ml salt
90gm grated mature cheddar cheese
Combine the yeast and milk in asmall bowl,stir and leave for 15minutes to dissolve and for yeast to become frothy.
Melt the butter and cool it.

Mix the butter with yeast mixture and keep aside.
In a Mixing bowl mix the flour and salt together
Make a well in the central and pour in the yeast mixture
Mix well to form a rough dough.
Transfer to a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic
Return to bowl and cover and leave to rise in warm place until it doubles in vol.
(this will take aprrox two to four hrs)
Grease a loaf pan and keep aside
Punch down the dough and knead in the cheese to distribute it evenly
shape it into loaf shape ad place in the prepared tin
leave in the warm place until the dough rises above the rim of the tin ( and a half hr)
Preheat the oven to 200degree centigrade bake the bread for 15mins lower the heat to 190 degree centigrade and bake until base sounds hollow when tapped approx 30 minutes.

CHEESE BREAD is my second entry for recipe marathon hosted by Nupur of one hot stove
for first day entry of all the runners of the marathon please click here
Christmas tree Pic is my second entry for the Jingle Event on at my blog
take care and happy blogging frens cee u all soon,..
Friday, December 25, 2009
Celebrating Christmas and Birthday with Eggless Christmas Cake
With nani around i had to bake eggless christmas cake for everyone ,while i was baking she was pretty excited how the cake would taste,as she is very fond of such things which were rare during her days,she liked eggless banana muffin,mexican cinnamon cookies too ,i goona post them soon as this whole week i will be on with Recipe Marathon hosted by Nupur of One Hot stove ,this is first recipe marathon which i gonna participate so i am pretty excited so guys u gonna cee posts whole week on asankhana i dont know how i goona do that :-) coming back to todays post i gonna share recipe of my first eggless christmas cake which i baked today ,
recipe source cake book
recipe name Eggless Christmas Cake
preparation time one hr
baking time 40 mins\
baking temperature 150 degree centigrade
ingredient needed
75gm golden raisins
75gm raisins
75gm currants
75gm glace cherries
50 gm mixed peel
250ml apple juice
25gm toasted hazelnuts
30ml pumpkin seeds
2 pieces preserved stem ginger
finely grated rind of 1 lemon
120ml milk
50 ml sunflower oil
225gm self rising/wholemeal flour
10ml mixed (apple pie)spice
45ml brandy or dark rum
apricot jam for brushing
Preparation Soak the sultanas ,raisins,currants,cherries and mixed peel in the apple juice overnight
Preheat the oven to 150degree centigrade ,grease and line cake tin and keep aside
In a mixing bowl transfer the soaked fruits,add hazelnuts,pumpkin seeds,ginger and lemon rind to the fruit.
Stir in the milk and oil ,sift the flour and spice into another bowl,then add to the fruit mixture with brandy or rum.
Combine thoroughly
Spoon the mixture into the prepared tinand bake for 40 mins or until the cake is golden brown and firm to touch.
Cool on wire rack
With the left over batter i prepared cupcakes or muffins whatever they look like in small muffin pan this is how they looked .
Eggless Christmas Cake is off for Show me your cake event hosted by Divya of dil se
and to Its time to Jingle Event hosted by me .
one another look guys :-) wish u all merry christmas ,and ya dont forget to wish me back its my birthday today,,,,:-)tk cre,..and merry christmas again
recipe source cake book
recipe name Eggless Christmas Cake
preparation time one hr
baking time 40 mins\
baking temperature 150 degree centigrade
ingredient needed
75gm golden raisins
75gm raisins
75gm currants
75gm glace cherries
50 gm mixed peel
250ml apple juice
25gm toasted hazelnuts
30ml pumpkin seeds
2 pieces preserved stem ginger
finely grated rind of 1 lemon
120ml milk
50 ml sunflower oil
225gm self rising/wholemeal flour
10ml mixed (apple pie)spice
45ml brandy or dark rum
apricot jam for brushing
Preparation Soak the sultanas ,raisins,currants,cherries and mixed peel in the apple juice overnight
Preheat the oven to 150degree centigrade ,grease and line cake tin and keep aside
In a mixing bowl transfer the soaked fruits,add hazelnuts,pumpkin seeds,ginger and lemon rind to the fruit.
Stir in the milk and oil ,sift the flour and spice into another bowl,then add to the fruit mixture with brandy or rum.
Combine thoroughly
Spoon the mixture into the prepared tinand bake for 40 mins or until the cake is golden brown and firm to touch.
Cool on wire rack
With the left over batter i prepared cupcakes or muffins whatever they look like in small muffin pan this is how they looked .
Eggless Christmas Cake is off for Show me your cake event hosted by Divya of dil se
and to Its time to Jingle Event hosted by me .
one another look guys :-) wish u all merry christmas ,and ya dont forget to wish me back its my birthday today,,,,:-)tk cre,..and merry christmas again
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hot and Spicy Mutton Curry perfect for winters
Its cold out here in Delhi theres sudden dip in temperture and nip in the air,that cold that we have to eat something hot ,spicy and filling,and I saw in news channel today that it may snow also if the temperature keeps falling down this is what i told Neha when i asked her to prepare Mutton Curry for dinner the same way she had prepared few days back,sometimes weather is the perfect reason to have something and thats exactly how i guess we both are feeling ;-) craving to have something hot and spicy she readily agreed but i had to ask her the recipe for my own record as she had prepared curry in wok/kadai by slow cook procedure ,this is something which i had never tried ,so while she is busy preparing MUTTON CURRY in kitchen i thought of writing this post,
Recipe Source - Neha
Recipe Name - Slow Cooked Mutton Curry
Cooking Style - Slow cooked in wok
Ingredient needed
half kg mutton pieces
onions six chopped
garlic pod one whole
tomato two chopped
meat masala two tbsp
salt as per taste
oil to cook
ghee to cook
cinnamom stick half inch
black cardamom two
cumin seeds one tsp
dried red chili two crushed
bay leaves two crushed
redchili powder one tsp
garam masala powder one tsp
coriander powder one tsp
heat oil in pressure cooker
add cumin seeds,cinnamon stick,black cardamom,dried redchili and bay leaves
once they start spluttering add chopped onion and garlic
followed by one tbsp of ghee
keep frying till onions start changing their colour
add mutton pieces and keep frying for 15 minutes on low flame
after 15 mins add salt,red chili powder,coriander powder,garam masala and meat masala
mix well add required amount of water and cover and cook on low flame
keep checking and stirring
once done add chopped tomato ,simmer for 5 mins and serve hot with chapati or rice.
This hot MUTTON CURRY is off for Srilekhas Event EFM Mutton
Thats all folks,ceeu all soon,happy baking and feasting tk cre and happy festival.
Recipe Source - Neha
Recipe Name - Slow Cooked Mutton Curry
Cooking Style - Slow cooked in wok
Ingredient needed
half kg mutton pieces
onions six chopped
garlic pod one whole
tomato two chopped
meat masala two tbsp
salt as per taste
oil to cook
ghee to cook
cinnamom stick half inch
black cardamom two
cumin seeds one tsp
dried red chili two crushed
bay leaves two crushed
redchili powder one tsp
garam masala powder one tsp
coriander powder one tsp
heat oil in pressure cooker
add cumin seeds,cinnamon stick,black cardamom,dried redchili and bay leaves
once they start spluttering add chopped onion and garlic
followed by one tbsp of ghee
keep frying till onions start changing their colour
add mutton pieces and keep frying for 15 minutes on low flame
after 15 mins add salt,red chili powder,coriander powder,garam masala and meat masala
mix well add required amount of water and cover and cook on low flame
keep checking and stirring
once done add chopped tomato ,simmer for 5 mins and serve hot with chapati or rice.
This hot MUTTON CURRY is off for Srilekhas Event EFM Mutton
Thats all folks,ceeu all soon,happy baking and feasting tk cre and happy festival.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Chicken Kebabs perfect for winters
Neha prepared today kebabs in Oven,i thought she must have added lotz of ingredient as the kababs were really delicious,but i was wrong as the kababs preparation was very simple and with readily avaialble ingredients so if u wann prepare Kababs which just melts in your mouth here goes the recipe
recipe source Neha my sister
Ingredient needed
chicken 200gm
Ingredient needed for the marination
curd half cup
salt and pepper as per taste
kastoori methi one tsp
orange food colour
one tbsp of ginger,garlic and green chili
grated cheese half cup
sugar half tsp
red chili powder as per taste
oil one tsp
mix everything together and keep aside
preheat the oven for 10 mins at 150 degree centrigrade
marinate chicken and keep aside for 10 nutes
grill for 10 mins 200 degree centigrade
For Kabab masala
kasoori methi
chat masala
red chili powder
mix everything together and sprinke on kebabs before serving.
Serve kababs with onion,chili and lemon wedges.
recipe source Neha my sister
Ingredient needed
chicken 200gm
Ingredient needed for the marination
curd half cup
salt and pepper as per taste
kastoori methi one tsp
orange food colour
one tbsp of ginger,garlic and green chili
grated cheese half cup
sugar half tsp
red chili powder as per taste
oil one tsp
mix everything together and keep aside
preheat the oven for 10 mins at 150 degree centrigrade
marinate chicken and keep aside for 10 nutes
grill for 10 mins 200 degree centigrade
For Kabab masala
kasoori methi
chat masala
red chili powder
mix everything together and sprinke on kebabs before serving.
Serve kababs with onion,chili and lemon wedges.
Enjoy the platter frens,ceeu all soon,happy weekend an dhappy bloggin,..
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Sardiyo ka swad,makai or bajre ki roti ke sath
hello frens ,hope you all are doing great,breaking news is this that my exams are postponed to mid week of January so i am back to blogging,huh what a relief its so difficult to study at this age,and with a kid around dont ask ,weather wise its quiet good hereya its cold but with winter delights like Makki ki roti and Bajre ki roti i guess i am truly enjoying the weather.
Last weekend my mausi had come for the weekend and for lunch she prepared Mooli wali Makai ki roti, which she learnt from her neighbour,and ya this Makai roti is different as this is prepared with mooli and to mold the shape hands have to be used as the dough sticks on the rolling pin while rolling out roti,so slowly the dough is shaped into roti and placed on hot tava/girddle to be roasted on both side and served hot with dollop of ghee.To prepare the dough mix grated radish in the makki flour which is readily available in the market ,add pinch of carom seeds,salt and red chili powder,with help of water mix the flour to form smooth dough.Patience is needed as it takes time to shape the dough into roti as the dough is sticky because of the addition of radish,i tried several times till i could manageable roti.:-)
Bajra ki roti is prepared very frequently at our place during winters,
recipe can be viewed here, i like mine with dollop of ghee and some gur as you can see in the pic above.
I guess this sums all for todays post and ya thanks a ton for sending Awesome entries for Jingle Event ,event is on till 10th of Jan ,;-)cee u all soon folks,happy blogging nd weekend,...:-)tk cre ,..
Last weekend my mausi had come for the weekend and for lunch she prepared Mooli wali Makai ki roti, which she learnt from her neighbour,and ya this Makai roti is different as this is prepared with mooli and to mold the shape hands have to be used as the dough sticks on the rolling pin while rolling out roti,so slowly the dough is shaped into roti and placed on hot tava/girddle to be roasted on both side and served hot with dollop of ghee.To prepare the dough mix grated radish in the makki flour which is readily available in the market ,add pinch of carom seeds,salt and red chili powder,with help of water mix the flour to form smooth dough.Patience is needed as it takes time to shape the dough into roti as the dough is sticky because of the addition of radish,i tried several times till i could manageable roti.:-)
Bajra ki roti is prepared very frequently at our place during winters,
I guess this sums all for todays post and ya thanks a ton for sending Awesome entries for Jingle Event ,event is on till 10th of Jan ,;-)cee u all soon folks,happy blogging nd weekend,...:-)tk cre ,..
Friday, December 11, 2009
Saal 2009 Ki Baat Kuch Khatti Meethi Yaado Ke Saath
Lets take a look behind
and see what we can find
last year has gone for everyone
fast with time ,......
years may come,years may come
years may go,quickly go
some go fast very fast
some go slow oh so slow
some are good very good
some are sad very sad
for each one for what comes
lets be glad just be glad
These lines are from a song which we used to sing in school during our english singing classes,maybe i missed some lines in between or maybe some words too,i just luv this song though simple in words its so true isnt it,..;-)coming back to todays post,...
Its not easy to pen down about yr 2009, because yr 2009 is I guess the best year of my life till now, I guess I shared everything in blogosphere be it anything my joy – sorrow, up-down, celebration-devastation, festivals, marriage ceremony of my sis and so many other things and ya the best thing which happened in yr 2009 is that it changed my attitude towards Delhi when I reached here last yr in 2008 I was all confused how I goona settle down here but now after spending almost more than a year I am in luv with this place and then why wont I be I guess it’s the best place to stay inspite of all the shortcomings after all I feel as if I belong here, be it anything food, market, weather time just flies here that’s the magic of this place ya I do miss hubby at times but then I know that this time which I am spending with my sisters, parents these moments they are priceless.and the best way to enjoy these moments is to enjoy each and every second so that when I move back to Singapore and miss them all I have to do is thinks about the moments spent with them that’s all I know I am being senti but that’s how its gonna be after all I got to stay with them after some eight yrs .:-), ya I didn’t give time to the other part of me I e notyet100hub,maybe next yr I won’t be this busy, Srivalli has asked us to jot down Best of Year 2009 its gonna be difficult to choose best of the posts from yr 2009 archive because almost all of my post have some memories in them and all of them are precious for me, still if I had to choose few from them I Guess they gonna be these,…
Learnt Baking from Blogosphere thanks to Cham too,My first bake
Holi Festival Delicacies Festival POST
A tear and A smile Simple Musings
Saatu Bhari Bhowri Chokhe ke Saath Rural food
Something sweet Lotus seed pudding Sweet dish
Coconut Icecream with Mango Sauce Ice cream
My first bread Loaf Wholewheat Walnut Bread
Experience with Chocolates Hand made chocolates
This whole post goes to Srivalli who is hosting Best of Year 2009 Event
Thats all frens,..ceeu guys next week enjoy the weekend and happy bloggin,...:-)
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Dal Ka Dulha Chokhe ke sath,...
Its not that everyday i crave to eat something which is earthy, rustic and and comforts me to the core but meal of Dal Ka Dulha with alloo chokha is something for which i can go for any day,one pot meal of Daal Ka Dulha together with Choka,Grilled tomato chutney,curd,papad and some pickle,

thats all i need when i feel like eating some comfort food,Dal ka Dulha is something like Dal Dhokli or maybe u can say plain version of Dal Dhokali,i never knew that there was something called Dal Dhokali ;-)all thanks to the Blogosphere i got introduced to so many new regional dishes
Ingredient needed
Cooked Arhar Dal
kneaded dough
For tempering
Cumin seeds

Roll out small poori
shape them in the form of inverted triangle
slowly slide them in cooked dal
and pressure cook for 3 to 4 whistles
temper with ghee and cumin seeds
Serve hot with Chokha ,pickle and curd .

Chokha recipe is blogged here
Info from the Web
Also known as Dal Pitha,Dal Pithori
From Shails Blog -
Pictorial of Preparataion can be seen
Charche Chauke Ke has two versions
Simple one
Bhara Hua Dal Ka Dulha
Srivalli of Cooking For all Seasons is on with My Legume Love Affair 18th helping
started by susan of the well seasoned cook,Dal ka Dulha goes to her event.
Enjoy the platter frens,cee u all soon:-) and ya dont forget to join in the Jingle Event ...
Ingredient needed
Cooked Arhar Dal
kneaded dough
For tempering
Cumin seeds
Roll out small poori
shape them in the form of inverted triangle
slowly slide them in cooked dal
and pressure cook for 3 to 4 whistles
temper with ghee and cumin seeds
Serve hot with Chokha ,pickle and curd .
Chokha recipe is blogged here
Info from the Web
Also known as Dal Pitha,Dal Pithori
From Shails Blog -
Pictorial of Preparataion can be seen
Charche Chauke Ke has two versions
Simple one
Bhara Hua Dal Ka Dulha
Srivalli of Cooking For all Seasons is on with My Legume Love Affair 18th helping
started by susan of the well seasoned cook,Dal ka Dulha goes to her event.
Enjoy the platter frens,cee u all soon:-) and ya dont forget to join in the Jingle Event ...
Monday, December 07, 2009
Its Time to Jingle Again,...:-) Christmas Event
I can still remember how every Christmas there would be gathering of cousins, neighbours ,relatives and family members at our home, reason being very simple 25th December being my birthday, then with time as I grew up celebrations were limited to elaborate dinner at home, though at Christmas there was no decoration of Christmas tree or Xmas tree I always wanted to decorate one ,last year got one and decorated for the first time, this year Neha and Advay decorated the tree ,still lotz to be done,while clicking pics today thought of this event so here I am with another Event at Asan Khana titled Its time to Jingle Again,

all you guys have to do is send me whatever you guys prepare for Christmas ,Christmas Cakes ,Cookies, Goodies which u guys prepare ,Christmas tree Decoration ,or simple memories, Last year my Christmas was terrific one,this year I guess its gonna be good one too ; -) so guys what are you waiting Lets Jingle up the season with Goodies,…and end the year on good note

Send me the link of your Christmas Post ,that’s all you have to do and join me in the event.
Mail me ur JINGLE posts on
Mail me ur JINGLE posts on
Round up will be published by 15th of Jan 2010

So what are you waiting for lets Jingle up guys,.:-)
Something warm and comforting - Chicken Soup with Brussel Sprouts perfect for Winters
These days our meal at night is replaced by bowl of warm soup, so when Neha asked me to prepare soup for dinner I prepared 'Chicken Soup with Brussel sprout
Ingredient needed
Shredded chicken one cup approx 200gm
chicken stock 300ml
Brussel sprout two
Onion two chopped
Garli clove three chopped
tomato one chopped
dried red chili two
Cinnamon stick half inch
Black cardamom two
Olive oil one tsp
Salt as per taste
Goan Curry powder one tbsp
Blanched almond to garnish
Heat oil in non stick wok’
Add cinnamon sticks,followed by black cardamom and dried red chili
Add chopped Onions followed by garlic cloves,
keep stirring till the onions are done add tomatoes and fry further for two minutes
add brussel sprout followed by goan curry powder and mix well
sprinkle salt followed by boiled shredded chicken
add chicken stock and let it simmer for some time,
once done remove from flame and garnish with blanched almonds.
Warm ,Comforting and Healthy what can be better than this specially in winters,..:-) happy week ahead frens cee u all soon,..:-)
Monday, November 30, 2009
quick fix meal - rice with veggies
Bowl of leftover rice,few veggies ,dash of salt and pepper,pinch of dried chives and few drops of olive oil thats how i prepared this Veggie fried rice,these days i am not giving much time to cooking because of my exams,:-( thats the sad part thats why my posts are flooded since past few days with quick fix meal specially when i am alone in the kitchen cant help ....

Coming to this recipeof Veggie Rice
Ingredient needed
Leftover rice one bowl
mushroom 3-4 chopped
brussel sprout two chopped
cabbage chopped handful
olive oil half tsp
salt and pepper as per taste
dried chives a pinch

heat oil in non stick wok
lower the flame
add the veggies followed by salt and pepper
stir fry till the veggies are tender
add left over rice,mix well,followed by addition of chives
Serve hot .
These days while studying i like to munch on these

Nimkis prepared by my mother with Chai specially evening time ,
Enjoy the week frens btw whats ur favourite tea time snack,..??
all purpose flour,
brussel sprout,
food event,
kitchen experiment,
leftover food,
one pot meal,
quick fix meal,
simple musings,
up cuisine
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Mutton curry with fish fry and my little helper in kitchen,..:-)
Got a chance to cook again yesterday and this time i had helper in the kitchen guys i am talking about Advay my son,luv for cooking is in his blood i guess because whenver i am in kitchen he follows me there with his cane stool so that he can reach till the platform , i told him to pluck soya leaves which he readily did,u guys can see how engrossed he is,he didnt realised when i clicked his pic;-)
Coming to todays post i prepared Mutton Curry and Fried Surmai for dinner
Ingredient needed
250gm mutton pieces
garlic cloves six chopped
onion three chopped
dried red chili three
bay leaves two crushed
cinnamon stick one
soya leaves handful
curd half cup
oil to cook
salt as per taste
heat oil in non stick wok
once hot lower the flame and add red chili,bay leaves and cinnamon stick
followed by mutton pieces and soya leaves
keep stirring till the mutton is semo cooked
now add chopped onion and crushed garlic
cover and cook on low flame
till oil is seen along the sides
add curd mix well and cover and cook
or to save time pressure cook till the meat is tender
serve hot with rice.

Fish fry
ingredient needed
goan curry powder one tbsp
surmai fish fillets 250gm
salt as per taste
mustard oil
gramflour/besan one tbsp
crushed garlic cloves 2-3
semolina two tbs
rub the fish fillets with salt and turmeric keep aside
make batter with gramflour,curry powder,crushed garlic ,salt and two tbsp of water
In a non stick pan heat one tbsp of mustard oil
lower the flame
slide the fish fillets in the batter and place one by one on the pan
keep turning till the fillets are done.
serve hot as side dish,..

enjoy the platter frens cee u all soon,...:-)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Goan Curry Powder and two dishes
Sometimes a little something adds magic to the dish we are cooking, I experimented with this little something for two dishes and was awed by the outcome.I know u all must be curious to know what this little something is ;-) guys I am talking about Goan Curry Powder which my sis had got from Goa.I tried fish curry and egg biryani and here goes the recipe
Ingredient needed for Pomfret in goan curry
Onion two chopped coarsely
Garlic four cloves chopped coarsely
Coconut powder two tbsp
Tamarind one small ball
Garam masala powder one tsp
Salt as per taste
Mustard oil one tbsp
Pomfret one
Red chili powder half tsp
Goan fish curry powder one tbsp
Clean the fish and rub with salt adturmeric and keep aside
Run through the belnder onion,garlic,coconut powder and tamarind,keep aside
Heat mustard oil in non stick wok
Add the masala paste and stir for sometime on low flames,
add goan curry powder and fry for a minute or two
Add salt ,red chili powder and keep frying till oil is seen along the sides
Add the fish pieces one by one and fry further for few minutes
Add water as per need ,lower the flame and let it simmer for few minutes
Once done,sprinkle pinch of garam masala and serve hot with rice or roti.
I tried this magic powder again while preparing egg biryani ,and this is how I prepared
Ingredient needed
Boiled egg four
Cinnamon stick one
Star anise two
Black cardamom two
Onion two chopped coarsely
Garlic clove three chopped
Red chili two crushed
Ghee one tbsp
Salt as per taste
Tomato one chopped
Oil to cook
Rice one cup
Soak rice and keep aside
Shallow fry eggs in oil and sprinkle goan curry powder keep aside
Heat oil in non stick wok
Add cinnamon stick, star anise and black cardamom stir fry for a minute or two
Add chopped onion,chili and garlic and further fry for few minutes
Further add tomato,goan curry powder and keep frying till oil is seen along the sides
Add soaked rice , amount of water to cook the rice and cover and cook
Once half done add the fried eggs and let it simmer till the rice is done.
Serve hot with curd and poppadum with had with allo curry which I will post soon,..;-)
enjoy the feast frens,will be back soon,cee u all guys, cre,..and fight the winter blues with these two winter delicacies we thoroughly enjoyed both,..;-)
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